Friday, February 19, 2010

Wishin' and Hopin' and Thinkin' and Prayin'...

One week until I get my LSAT score! In the last two weeks, my feelings have swung from the depths of dismay all the way up to hopeful optimism and back again. Today I took a tour of the school I hope to attend in the fall and was so excited I nearly broke into a song and dance. (Don't worry, I didn't ;)) But I DID leave the campus feeling exhilarated, excited and confident that I am moving in the right direction..following my passion as I should have done all along. YAY!

I keep checking the LSAC website as if my score will miraculously post a week early. I really expected this to be an easy wait but To make matters even more difficult, my well meaning husband has been telling anyone and everyone that I have taken the LSAT...which is fine when it's close friends and I have some sort of heads-up that they know. But, he's told random people. The new next door neighbor just asked about it yesterday and completely caught me off guard..asking if I plan to quit my job etc.. My husband thinks I'm being ridiculous and that everyone is pulling for me, but seriously..the more people he shares it with, the more pressure I feel as a result. And he doesn't understand. I get it that he's proud of me and is my biggest fan, but holy hell let me figure out my score before you auto-admit me into Harvard!
(No, Harvard isn't on the list, btw. I have a house and a mortgage to take care of within the confines of the California state lines.)

Either way, here's to hoping for a great score - or at least one that will get me into my school of choice! I would love to bury my LSAT books forever!!!!

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